Page 5 No More Grace Period Did you know that if you get audited and you do not have your continuing education credits you no longer have a grace period to complete your CE’s? That’s right. Your license gets suspended! Don’t risk your job and livelihood. You can get your credits each month by joining us at our monthly meetings the 3rd Thursday of the month at the Milleridge Inn. We hold 10 meetings a year so you’ll receive at least 10 credits in both Ophthalmic dispensing and Contact lenses. The next year, after the first 6 meetings, you have all your continuing education credits. It’s that easy. Hope to see you at our next meeting. We all get old in the end…. • I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People get out of the way much faster now. • Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers. Now they drink like their fathers. • I decided to stop calling the bathroom the “John” and renamed it the “Jim”. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning. • Old age is coming at a really bad time. When I was a child I thought “Nap time” was a punishment. Now, as a grownup, it feels like a small vacation. • The biggest lie I tell myself is..."I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it." • I don't have gray hair; I have "wisdom highlights"! I'm just very wise. • Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet. Actually I'm not complaining because I am a Senager (senior teenager). I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don’t have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don’t have a curfew. I have a driver’s license and my own car. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant. And I don’t have acne. Life is great! I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can't remember their names. Now, I’m wondering...did I send this to you, or did you send it to me? More Important Information Here • Don’t forget, your OANY dues is tax deductible. When you have dinner at our monthly meetings, $30 of the $45 that you pay for dinner is also tax deductible. • A great way to keep track of your continuing education credits is to take a picture of each one. Keep the pictures of the CE’s on your phone or download them to your computer. This way if you misplace the hard copy or you are audited, you have proof that you have taken the necessary continuing education credits. • If you are retired from the industry, we strongly suggest you keep you license active and your continuing education credits up to date. You never know if a life-changing event necessitates that you have to go back to work. You’ll also may want to work part-time or do fill-in work while still enjoying your retirement. We are all Senagers (Some Humor) (if you’re not sure what that means, read on)