some of the members of the board met with the management of the Milleridge Inn and we hammered out some lingering issues. We are pleased to announce that we will be conƟnuing our meeƟngs at the Milleridge Inn through the end of 2018 at no addiƟonal cost. Please remember that we can’t be successful without you, our Hope you all had a great summer. If you remember, when I started my term one year ago, I stressed new beginnings. Well, here we are one year later and we are sƟll experiencing new beginnings. Your execuƟve board has worked hard and diligently all summer long to secure new and exciƟng conƟnuing educaƟon credits for the coming year. We will begin our year with an exciƟng night with Luxoƫca. They will sponsor both our meeƟng as well as provide us with our CE Credit. We will all learn about the new innovaƟons that Luxoƫca can bring to us. Also, during the summer members! Turnout is very important, so please mark your calendar for Thursday, September 28th , for our first meeƟng of the year. Please note that our meeƟng is the 4th Thursday of the month, for this month only, rather than the 3rd . Kindly note that all dues are payable upon receipt so please be prompt with your payment. Unfortunately, due to rising costs there will be an increase in our dues in the coming months. Let’s hit the ground running for what we all hope will be another successful year of OANY. See you on the 28th ! 3DXO+HOOHU President’s Message Join us at our upcoming meeting on 7KXUVGD\6HSWHPEHU  at the Milleridge Inn, Jericho, NY Sponsor: Luxottica Speaker: Johnathan Smith Presentation: From Design to Production CE Credit 1 Ophthalmic Dispensing Credit September 2017 Volume XII Issue X The Opticians Alliance of New York meets the 3rd Thursday of the month. Schedule, sponsors and speakers are subject to change  MeeƟng Highlights 2017-2018 Schedule x September 2017 Luxoƫca x October 19, 2017 To Be Announced x November 16, 2017 Tri-Supreme x December 21, 2017 To Be Announced ConƟnuing EducaƟon Speakers Eric Meyers Robert Russo Barry SanƟni Dr. Joseph Bacoƫ Mark Cohen Vicki Masliah Herb Fletcher and many others